With store locations in Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma, we are in your neighborhood to serve.
Our Banners
Piggly Wiggly : 8 Locations
Save-a-Lot Food Stores : 6 Locations
Cash Saver Cost Plus Food Outlets : 2 Locations

Now Offering Delivery & Curb-side Pick Up
Our Piggly Wiggly stores in Springhill, Haynesville, Homer, & Plain Dealing are now offering delivery & curb-side pickup. Order by phone, email, or click the chat button below to chat live with a customer service representative.

Available Now!
Online shopping on the web and our Kenyan Grocery Company mobile app! Click here for updates and information.
Kenyan Grocery Company originated in Springhill, Louisiana…

543 South Main Street
Springhill, LA 71075
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm